In-Between Dreams is a short animated film I worked on for a 2D Animation class at Northwestern University. It follows a man, Sam, as he returns home from work and imagines life as a circus performer.
I directed the short film Room Sync in which Tommy, a college freshman, must go through the trials of meeting his dorm roommate not just once, but many times.
She Texts Me, She Texts Me Not is a silent short film I directed which focuses on the story of lovelorn Steven and his relationship over text with the evasive and frustrating romantic foil, Alice, whom he haphazardly prepares to court.
The short documentary film March on Skokie discusses an event which took place in the Chicago suburb of Skokie in the 1970s, during which a group of Nazi sympathizers attempted a march through the predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Decades later, residents of the community then and now reflect on how the experience affected the community.